64° Adventures

Personal blog with posts about technology, security, photography, and travel

Docker loves Splunk

This article may have been about running Splunk Enterprise in a Docker container, but it is actually about sending logs from Docker containers to Splunk Enterprise on-premises or Cloud deployments. By default, Docker logs JSON-formatted data to the filesystem. This is adequate for simpler systems, but log management (and viewing) becomes less practicable for more complex ones. Sending Docker log direct to the Splunk SIEM system is one technique to make things easier for the admins.

Traefik proxy with Web Application Firewall (WAF)

Traefik proxy is a versatile and very lightweight cloud-native application gateway / load balancer that integrates really well with Docker and Kubernetes, for example. While Traefik is great and brilliant, it lacks Web Application Firewall features and integrations. Traditionally, one need to put some kind of third-party WAF in front of the Traefik and route requests from there to Traefik. This increases the complexity of the system and complicates troubleshooting.

Tietopyyntö Ruokaviraston koirarekisterin kustannuksista

Vihdoin ja viimein [Ruokavirasto](https://www.ruokavirasto.fi/) sai julkistettua pitkään odotetun ja myös hyvin paljon arvostelua osakseen saaneen [Koirarekisterin](https://koira.lemmikkielainrekisteri.fi/). Rekisterin tarkoituksena on suitsia pentutehtailua ja siihen liittyviä lieveilmiöitä. Rekisterin tausta-ajatus on ylevä ja järkeenkäypä, mutta saavutettu hyöty verrattuna kustannuksiin on pöyristyttävä.

Security.txt -file (RFC 9116) generator

Security.txt is based on [RFC 9116](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9116) and nowadays it has been implemented by various companies. The idea is to create a file that can be distributed on a website, from a predefined address ( [https://xxx.test/.well-known/security.txt)](https://xxx.test/.well-known/security.txt%29). The content of the file tells how the organisation can be contacted if security problems and vulnerabilities are found in the organisation’s services.